Have you been “Caged IN”, like the boys?

A very important fact of life that I have learned, and still learning, is that it is vital to take “responsibility” for my life.  In every area of my life, I believe it is fully up to me in how much I progress and walk out God’s best.  Yes of course it is fully by His Power, His Grace, and His Blessings that life and health prosperity is available, but it is up to me to fully Believe and Recieve it.  Part of that Recieving it is being willing to be LED by HIM and do the Works that I know and or will know to do. 

Too many people are so quick to blame others for their lack of success.  Please do not be one of those people.  We all have fallen into that trap at some point in our lives, but we dont have to stay there.  What I have found is when one blames someone or something else for their lack of success they are just following an old fleshly desire to not take responsibility.  The problem is that not taking responsibility in many cases strips you of power.  Of course there are things in our past that we should not take responsibility for, and we should definitely “forget about it” and move on towards the goal.  I am talking about our future.  If you catch yourself blaming others or circumstances for your lack of success, well….. STOP IT!  Choose to be the overcomer that you already really are thru Jesus Christ.  Choose to be one who takes responsibility for your health and life, therefore choosing to literally be Empowered.   If you dont you could end up feeling like what the boys have done to themselves here: CAGED IN.   GET ON IT DOG’ON IT! 







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