Great exercise, great Family bonding. The “flying” Lucy pic

Friends and neighbors

Sunday was a great day.  We had a wonderful family day yesterday:  Church, good lunch, awesome “family” nap, some great afternoon family play time, and finished off with some yogurt and gummie worms!

Yes after our sunday afternoon nap, we all went out in the yard and played.  We flew a kite, played baseball, played chase, then took off to the local walking trail over at the old Oak Mountain school.  Man we had a great time.  It just reminded me off how simple it is to get in some effective “ACTIVITY” during the weekend and bond with your family all at the same time.  And if you are looking for a great place to do some walking then I highly recommend the county walking trails where the old Oak Mnt school.  The boys love it and so does Lucy.  LeAnne took the pic below and it looks like Lucy is flying. 

I highly encourage you to take time with your family and do something that involve Movement.  It is great for you, your health, your kids’ health and your family bonding.  And it builds great memories.  Pretty effecient stuff there. 








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