Can you really be expected to “help it” – emotions, attitude

Friends and neighbors

Did you know that your attitude and your emotions absolutely are your choice, always?!  People can not “make you” have a bad attitude.  Circumstances cant “make you” have a poor attitude.  You have to choose to have a bad/poor attitude.  You have to choose to be angry or bitter.  you have to choose to be stressed.  You have to choose to harbor unforgiveness.  Yes I agree that we will have feelings and that is fine, but we can not let our feelings and emotions control us.  It is okay to get sad sometimes, but you can not let that sadness stay and turn into depression.  It is okay to get angry sometimes, but you cant let that anger stay and turn into bitterness.  You always have the choice.  And no i didnt say it would always be easy, but still you have the choice.

That is just part of living this life.  God has designed us to rule and reign in this life.  ANd along the way we definitely will have troubles to face and overcome, but thru HIM we have already been empowered to do so.  God did not design you so that you would not have a choice in your attitude, your emotions, your thoughts, and your words.  Make sure to take full advantage of what HE empowered you with so that you can walk out HIS gift of ZOE LIFE here on this earth.


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