U Make it a great Spring! family pics

Friends and neighbors

Wow what a great Easter weekend.  Me and the family went to Garfield for the weekend.  We had a whole bunch of fun.  The boys got to fish, color and hunt easter eggs, and fish some more.  I went to Sonrise service Sunday morning with Mamma and that was pretty special. 

This spring is going to be great.  you know how I know that?  Because I am going to make it a great spring.  ANd you of course can do the same thing.  Choose right now that you are going to make this spring a great spring for you, your family, and for others.  Remember, if you wait to see if it “turns out” to be a great spring, then you run a pretty good chance that it will not turn out to be one.  MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!  It really is up to you.  HE has already made it available for you, you just have to accept it, expect it, and walk in it.  YEHBABY!! GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!  Check out the pics from our Easter weekend.  Man I have a great looking family dont I ?! 



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