Me telling you the truth.

Friends and neighbors

Me, just telling you the truth about it.  That’s what is on my heart for some reason.  You know many times we look at certain people and think they have it all together just because they have a “leader” position, because they are “up on stage”, and or because of their financial position.  And there are other reasons, but either way there are people that all of us look up to.  I have the great opportunity to send out daily words to almost 1000 people several times per week.  ANd to my understanding there are many of you who forward these words to your email list, and for that I am extremely thankful and humbled.  Also I get the extreme opportunity to speak / minister at my church many times.  One of the things I shared the last time I spoke at church was the fact that some people may get the false impression that “I have it together” just because I have the opportunity to speak and share in front of a lot of people sometimes.  ANd some may actually know that I dont have it all together yet, but may still think that I think that I have it all together, thinking highly of myself.  Well let me tell you the truth:  I know I dont have it all together. 

Everything that I share with you and others is usually the same type of obstacles I face in life and the same type of encouragement and inspiration I need for myself.  And most times I am speaking louder to myself than to anyone else.  I know I dont have it all together, but I know that in me lives the Greater One, and He does have it all together.  And my goal is to keep going and getting better everyday.  Sometimes I seem to go backwards, and sometimes I make huge strides.  Either way I expect to see more and more of HIM in me, than anything else.  And that is what I encourage you to do.

I dont know if this helps you or not, but I sure hope it does.  I have the same struggles you do.  I may be stronger and in more control in one area of my life where you may be weaker.  At the same time there may be an area that you are in control of that I struggle in.  We are all in this thing together.  And together we all do overcome, thru Jesus.  ANd it is only thru His power and His shed Blood that we have already overcome and DO overcome.  I heard it said that we are our own best “preacher”.  Everytime I am “preaching” I am preaching hardest to myself, and at the same time trying to help you too. 

AND AGAIN, I AM VERY THANKFUL TO YOU for allowing me to be part of your life.  I really do appreciate it that you take time to read the words I believe God puts on my heart to share.  And of course if it speaks to you then it wasnt me, it was HIM!!


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