Nite at Braves Game. Giver, Thankful, veggies, exercise….

Nite at Braves Game!!







We were extremely blessed to have one of our good friends give us tickets to the Braves Game last nite.  Man the boys were so excited about going, and boy did they ever have a BLAST at the game.  We ate at the 755 club, hit in the batting cage, thru baseballs, run the base path up top, and got to sit field level to watch some of the game.  Of course sitting and watching the game was where we spent the least time since we had to keep the boys busy.  To my suprise though as we were leaving David Ben got pretty upset and started pulling me back towards the seats saying “But Daddy I want to see the game again!”  It was awesome to see them have so much fun.  And again what a blessing it was for our friend to give us those tickets. 

I tell you this, and please take heed to this truth:  It is better to give than to recieve.  God says that “whatever you do for another, HE will do for you.”  When you bless others with the right heart, it does something on the inside of you that all the exercise and good nutrition in the world cant duplicate.  There is an actual physical response you have from doing this.  It is just like being “Thankful” and what that does for you physically, not to mention mentally and emotionally.  This is powerful stuff, and God set it up this way so as we choose to take the focus off self and put it on others, we end up getting our desires met and reap many benefits, including physical improvements.  Be a GIVER.  Be THANKFUL.  This are very important components of any true health improvement plan!!




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