Good ole summer nites! Good for your health

You may have seen this one before.  This is me and Joshua Paul on one of our “camping in the back yard” pics from probably 2 years ago.  That lantern I got from a good ole buddy of mine.  It’s an original Coleman that he rebuilt and gave to me! 

My little nieces are here with us for a few days.  I took them and the boys out last nite on the golf cart and we went to the pond.  It was right at dark.  They caught several lightnin’ bugs and frogs.  Man they had a blast chasing those frogs.  And on the way back going down the trail we had the lights on.  We saw many more frogs on the trail, and every time we saw one it was like it was the best one so far.  They all had so much fun.  And this got me to thinking about summer evenings and nights when you can stay up later since the kids dont have school.  ANd we plan to have many more nights like last night just having some good ole fun!

One thing for sure that I know and you know is that it is important to make an effort to have fun with your kids.  Anything in life worth having is probably going to take effort.  But as you well know, the pay off is so worth it, and it makes the effort seem small once it is done.  And I am thankful that my kids want to do those fun things like go out at night looking for critters and other stuff.  Otherwise I would be much less likely to do it on my own.  Anyway, take time with your kids, and or your friends doing some of those good ole clean “fun” things.  It is so good for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Spiritually it helps me because I am reminded at His awesomeness and how amazing His Creation is.  


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