“Beach Diet” oreos aint on the list!

This is a great pic of my little man from 1 or 2 summers ago at the beach.  And of course as you can see he’s giving that oreo a hard time.  Needless to say he won the battle and the oreo was devoured.

This pic made me think about the our “Beach Diet” that me and LeAnne are on as of today, since we will be going to the beach this summer.  And oreos is one of the things “not” on the list for our diet.  The diet plan we are starting on is for 2 weeks and it is pretty strict, but that is what you have to do if you want to see results in a short period of time.  For the most part it is really simple, and also very effective.  And realize that the “effective” part is only so if you follow the diet to the “T”.  It is not for everyone, but it can benefit anyone who chooses to follow it.  Here are some of the results you could expect to see:  Weight / BODY FAT loss; Improved Health; Better Control over food!; More energy; Improved Body Tone; a great start to a better long term nutrition plan. 

If you want to see the specs for the diet then please let me know.  If i get enough responses / comments to this post I will post the diet tomorrow for you to see!!


18 responses to ““Beach Diet” oreos aint on the list!”

  1. I posted the BEACH DIET yesterday, wednesday. So make sure and check it out if you have not already. thanks for everyone’s comments. kj

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