BEACH DIET can be used by you, little or “all out”

Here is a good pic of our Sunday lunch.  As usual it is LeAnne who usually remembers to take the pics for you.  I am just usually into eating the food.  Anyway here is a list of what all it was: grilled chicken; fresh avocado w/ chopped up tomatoes; squash relish (the little bit of yellow stuff in the middle).  The squash relish is some “homemade” stuff we got from her dad.  It is so delicious that we decided to make some ourselves.  The only thing in it that is not fresh vegetables is vinager and sugar.  We decided to cut the sugar in half and it still came out delicious.

I sure hope that this time spent on talking with you about Nutrition for this last week+ is helping.  And I expect that the seeing the actual foods we are eating helps too.  As you have heard me say many many times, Exercise is very important, but NUTRITION plays a bigger role in your health inside and out.  When a solid and consistent Exercise and Nutrition plan are combined, the results are awesome.  So choose to be INSPIRED, AND CHOOSE TO STAY INSPIRED.  And even if you are not going “all out” and following the full fledged ‘BEACH DIET”, you can still use some of the principles to make a few simple positive changes in your diet, Now!!


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