BEACH TRIP 2012. Results from the BEACH DIET!

THE JOHNSON BEACH TRIP 2012!  We just got back from spending a week at the Beach.  Man we all had a great time, lots of fun in the sun, sand castle building, Seafood eating, and game playing!  This is a pic of the boys beside one of our sand structures.  I will post up some more pics next week that you will love too.

So, have you been on the Beach Diet?  Me and LeAnne finished up our 2 week stint, of course right before we left last week.  We both saw good results.  I didnt take any kind of measurements.  I just go more by how I look and feel.  I could definitely SEE some improvements with BODYFAT LOSS.  LeAnne did take measurements!  In only 2 weeks she lost 1 INCH IN HER WAIST AND 1 INCH IN HER HIPS.  Now that may not seem like a lot, but for her it is.  She is already pretty small so that is actually pretty big considering also that it was only 2 weeks. 

For me the biggest thing was it forced me to find a way to get more vegetables in my diet.  ANd now being summer is a perfect time since most all of us either have a garden or know someone who does.  And good ole FRESH OUT OF THE GARDEN  SUMMERTIME  Vegetables are the best!!  Anyway I am going to give you more specifics next week on how to correctly and effectively come off of the BEach Diet.  Be looking for that information right here on  It was great to get away and it is great to be back GETTIN ON IT DOG’ON IT!


One response to “BEACH TRIP 2012. Results from the BEACH DIET!”

  1. Welcome Back!!!

    I am wrapping up my last few days on the Beach Diet …i am so looking forward to the next phase!!!

    BTW – ask JT about the two exciting things I signed up for this week!!! 🙂

    Thanks for all you do KJ!

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