Do you want us to add daily workouts?! Need to hear from you.

Great pic here of me and my little buddy! 

I wanted to ask a question:  Would you want to see us add more features to our website?  The first of which I am considering is a daily workout with instructions and how to videos.  I want to see just how many people not only would want this but would actually use it as a guide to follow.  The workouts would be mainly short 5-10 minute workouts with the ability to modify, shorten, lengthen etc.  So please let me know if this is something that you truly would appreciate and use as a tool to improve your health and life.  Respond to me by commenting on this post. 


6 responses to “Do you want us to add daily workouts?! Need to hear from you.”

  1. Get on it dog gone it ! Yes would use it ! Also may consider adding a email with this daily workout or link. A email that can be sent to ones who sign up wanting or same group you send to now

  2. Great idea KJ. Need some short creative workouts. Time is always the enemy for a good workout.

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