HE wants it more than you do!

My 2 little buddies and lucy.  This is from this past winter and all 3 of my younguns have grown a lot since then. 

Seeing this picture and thinking of something my mother in law told me this morning makes me think of how much I love my little boys and how much I love to bless them and to give them the desires of their hearts.  She, my mother in law, was telling me just this morning a story about David Ben and a special prize they had gotten him.  I want get into the whole story because I am going to save it for another time since it needs a whole seperate time by itself.  Anyway, we were talking about how Good our Father is and how He literally is a Good Daddy all the time.  And how much He loves to bless His kids.  

One day recently I was thinking about how much I love my boys and how much it truly and fully delights me to see them happy and to give the desires of their heart.  And even if it is something so minor and maybe silly seeming to us.  To them it is a big deal.  And for me as a daddy, I love it when I can give to them.  Also, I realized that many times, I want them to have “what they want” even more than they do, because I love them so much.  And then God started speaking to me and showing me how that is exactly the way He is.  He put that in me, and in any good daddy or mommy.  That is just who He is.  He is love and He loves His kids.  He loves to see His kids happy.  He loves to give His kids the desires of their hearts, and He gives us His Word on that in His Word. 

My Daddy, your Daddy, is a Good Father.  And He loves to bless you.  And realize that He wants you to have the desires of your heart even more than you do.  And He is the one who can and will “do exceedingly and abundantly above anything you can think or imagine.” 


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