This EATING HEALTHIER thing is really not so hard!

Cooking “healthy” is not as hard as some people make it sound.  Just like this pic here.  This is just fresh “yard eggs”, locally grown, with some fresh “johnson family grown” cut up tomatoes.  I greased up the skillet with a little “real” butter (never use the fake stuff), and there you have it.  This takes very little time and skill.   So find you a good resource for locally grown eggs and have a healthy meal from time to time with eggs.  I just had another “egg” meal couple nites ago: 2 Eggs over medium with a turkey n cheese wrap.  Good stuff.

So remember do not make this Healthier Eating thing so hard.  If you build it up in your head as a huge and burdensome task, then that is what it will be.  On the other hand when you decide in your heart to make better choices, set your mind that it is not going to be so difficult, then prepare very well, you got it. 


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