Choose to Enjoy the Blessing

These are 2 pics from this weekend.  Me and the boys had a CAMPOUT on Saturday nite.  The first pic is our “prep”, getting ready.  Can anyone tell me what in the world in the first pic is that blue doughnut looking thing that is laying on top of the tarp?  One of my good buddies, S.H., would have been proud of me using this piece of equipment.  Anyway, us boys had a great time.  The boys actually lasted a good while until finally DB was ready to go inside and “sleep in his bed.”  JP was actually kind of upset we didnt sleep out all night, so I promised him just me and him would do it again and “sleep out all night.”

As you know and I know, but we have to constantly remind ourselves, it is good to take time to do the “simple” things like camping or whatever to spend quality time with family.  And yes it takes time and effort, but it is so well worth it.  It is just like most everything else in life: It takes effort to produce positive results.  God has given us so many blessings and abilities and we should all MAKE that contious effort to realize and enjoy them.  And along the way help others to see the blessings too.  If it were not for my good buddy mentioned above, I would be less likely to “set up campouts” with my kids.  I grew up on the farm and outside, but I learned most of my “camping” stuff from him.  And he helped me to STOP AND ENJOY  the blessing of nature.  I dont always do a good job but sometimes at night I might think of him and it reminds me to lift up my eyes and look at the beautiful stars and sky.  Anyway, choose to enjoy God’s blessings and choose to help others to enjoy them also. 


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