NUTRITION CLASS coming next Monday, Oct 8

This was my dinner for last nite: Turkey Burger w/ home grown chopped maters on top, spinach tomatoes shredded cheese n strawberry salad, home grown pickles.  It was delicious and very nutritous.  The boys made their own pizza so i did have a small slice of that also.  LeAnne lets them make their own pizza and they love it.  She usually buys fresh ground whole wheat doe from Melanie at Whole Grains and More, then she lets them roll it out and add on the toppings.  I am not a pizza lover, but it takes pretty darn good and the boys love it.  And of course when you make it yourself you can choose much higher quality ingredients.

We are going to have a “Nutrition” class here at God-Built next week.  It is going to be open for anyone and everyone.  We all can work on improving our nutrition.  And as we say many times:  It is not about learning a whole bunch of new stuff, but more so about simply doing the things we already know to do.  So our focus will be on laying a solid foundation for everyone as far as the most simply things to start doing NOW! 

Here is a list of a few of the things we will be covering:

How you can start right NOW, and make the most progress.

How to Jump Start things off for QUICK RESULTS.

How to STICK IT OUT!!!

If you would like to attend just please let me know in advance that you will be coming.  We will have this class Monday October 8, 12:10pm – 1pm.  You can leave early if you need to.  If you truly want to make a positive change with your health then this class can be very helpful for you.  I understand that this will not meet everyone’s schedule.  My advice is if you want to be here, Make It Happen!


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