Just need your body and a little space!

Here is Lucy on top of some of our bags we use for “box jumps”.  She would be our best “box jumper” if we had a contest because she can leap something serious!

I was thinking about “box jumps” because I was going to do a workout today that included them.  This got me to thinking about how many different exercises that you can do with little to no equipment.  Box Jumps do require some type of “box” but you can still do jumps without a box.  ANyway, it is really very simple to come up with several different workouts that require no equipment, only your body and some space.  ANd of course if you choose to add equipment that is even better, but you dont have to have any equipment whatsoever in order to have an excellent workout plan.  Here are just a few basic bodyweight exercises you can do that require no equipment and very little space: squats, pushups, lunges, situps, supercrunches, running in place, side to side hops, squat jumps, superman, bridges, jumping jacks, power jacks, leg tucks, burpees, mountain climbers, shoulder stands, crab kicks, lunge and rotate, inch worm, side lunges, etc.  ANd the list goes on and on.  So you see not having any equipment or a lot of space are not good excuses.  And what about time you say?  Well guess what?  You dont need much time either.  All you need is a few minutes.  Yes that is right, just 3,4, or 5 minutes per day can do wonders, especially if you do it correct and at an intense level.  Remember, intensity is relative to you and your ability. 

I encourage you to stop looking for excuses when it comes to exercise (if you are making excuses) and just do something and do it consistently. 


One response to “Just need your body and a little space!”

  1. Hey KJ can you send me info about all these workouts and how to do them properly or I can come by if you can print something out about how to do them and time length and all.

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