Picking Cotton like Your Health

I went to Garfield this weekend to go hunting.  There is a lot of cotton being “picked” down there right now.  This is a pic of some cotton “modules” and in the background that is a “6 row” JD cotton picker and a JD tractor pulling a cotton “buggy”.  This is a big operation with some heavy equipment being used.  If you have never seen one of these big cotton modules up close then it is hard to really see just how much cotton is in there.  They are actually pressed or compressed down by what is called a “modulator” so it is packed tight.  ANyway, it is always cool stuff to be down there and see these type of operations going on.

When we were down there on Saturday my brother was working that morning and was supposed to be done right after lunch.  Well once he got down with his job he found out that someone that was supposed to be picking cotton with one of the JD pickers didnt show up.  So he had to go and work the rest of the afternoon picking cotton.  In Farming there are no “off” days when it comes to Planting Time and Harvest Time, except Sundays.  Most farmers down there dont work on Sundays unless “there mule is in the ditch.”  Anyway, this is pretty much how we should be with our health.   Not taking care of ourselves should not even be an option.  My brother could have said “No, this is my day off and I have already done so much already.”  But he didnt allow that to be an option.

In your health you can choose to make “not taking care of yourself” a NON OPTION.  It is not about being perfect, but it is about taking responsibility and doing the right things.  And remember that taking responsibility is not supposed to be a burden.  Taking responsibility is EMPOWERMENT.  No it is not always fun and exciting, but the HARVEST you reap from it is oh so worth it.  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!!


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