How to fully “activate” Peace in your life

I have 2 awesome pics of the boys reading before bedtime.  Here is the one of Joshua Paul.  I will post the other one of David Ben later this week.  JP loves to read and is a very good reader.  I remember he could recite a whole lightning mcqueen book when he surely wasnt near old enough to read.  It was his favorite book and we read it to him many times.  Then one day he said he “wanted to read it.”  So I let him and to my surprise he read it all word for word.  I still am not sure if he actually was reading the words or if he had just memorized it by each page. 

You know I was thinking about the scripture in Philippians 4:7 that tells us that we have the right for “the peace of God that passes all understanding to guard / keep our hearts and our minds.”  This is a powerful scripture and tells us part of who we are and what we have IN Christ: God’s peace that fully guards our heart and mind.  This peace is in us already and it is ours thru Christ no matter what.  But, what many dont consider is for this peace that is already in us to operate how it was designed, we have a part to play.  All you have to do to find out our part is go back up to verse 6 and read: Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God. 

So if you need peace it is very clear that #1 you already have it inside you by Christ Jesus.  ANd #2 you have a part and that part is simply to take any requests from any problems you face in life to God.  Then you dont worry (be careful/anxious for nothing), but you GIVE THANKS to God that His peace covers your heart and your mind and that He answers your prayers.  So realize that yes thru Christ you have His peace inside of you, and all you have to do to fully “activate” it is to basically talk to turn it over to Him fully Trusting His Word / Promise to you.


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