More Research for the Truth about Artificial Sweeteners

Make sure and go to the following link as it is a great article about new research that supports other research concerning artificial sweeteners and weight gain.  Artificial sweeteners can be very dangerous and very misleading.  Most still believe that by taking in “sweet” but no calorie or low calorie drinks and foods that they can “trick” their body.  The body is way smarter than that.  Actually most “true”  nutrition experts have known about the dangers of artificial sweeteners for a long time now, but many in kthe medical and “health” fields still promote them.  ANd to me this is bad wrong.  check out the link:

It is best to avoid artificial sweeteners all together.  The main thing though is to at least limit them as much as possible.  And this goes for you kids too!!!  Please dont think that because you are buying them “low calorie” and or “no sugar” artificially sweetened drinks that you are in any way helping them.  This is very harmful stuff and you should take steps now to avoid it for yourself and your family.


One response to “More Research for the Truth about Artificial Sweeteners”

  1. Could you please include Jennifer Harmon in your daily bits of wisdom, her email is jennifer.harmon@

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