Building a CJ, kinda like health and life improvement

Here is a picture again of my 81 Jeep CJ 7.  This is actually a gift given to me by 3 of my best friends!!  I am so blessed.  This has been a restoration / building project for over a year now. 

I was so overwhelmed with joy when I recieved this blessing / Gift over a year ago.  Since then I have experienced frustration, impatience, confusion, and ungratefulness.  Everytime one of these come over me while I have been going thru building this jeep there was one simple and powerful tool I used to get myself back in the right mindset and heart: BEING THANKFUL.  See while yes I was extremely thankful in the beginning, during this process of building this CJ I would get frustrated and ungrateful.  And of course these are two tools that the enemy use in our lives to try to get us to focus on the obstacles in front of us instead of the blessing that we already have and the reward of the Goal Accomplished.  So again, many times during this process I have had to remind myself of how very Blessed I was in the first place to have been given this gift, and also remind myself of how awesome of a Reward it is going to be once I finish.  And yes I definitely will finish this!! 

Now I didnt have to go thru a lot of the problems I have been through with this CJ, but I have my heart set on a certain finished product, and that is what I am committed to.  So rrealize that this is the same with any health and life goal we have.  We have to be committed to FINISHING, and to Never Give Up.  The whole time through the process BEING THANKFUL and keeping our Eyes set on the Goal.  Yeh Baby!!  Get on it dog’on it!!

**ANd yes of course I will be posting some great pics of the Finished CJ soon!


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