Cinnamon: Natural inflammation fighter!!

Ok, now here is a delicious and nutritious snack:  Peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, banana!! 

I am sure you have heard before how healthy cinnamon can be.  LeAnne just printed out some more health benefit info for me the other day on cinnamon.  It is truly amazing what this stuff can do.  Now of course “professional” opinions can vary on how much of this is true and yes like with most other “nutritional” foods it is not always the same for everyone.  Anyway, we both have started mixing cinnamon and honey in different ways.  She has mixed with warm water for a drink and I am mixing it as a paste to be used as a spread with peanut butter.  Yesterday I added it on top of peanut butter that I put on one piece of whole wheat bread.  Today I mixed the p.b., honey, and cinnamon all together and dipped with banana chunks.  Man it was good stuff!!  Hey, just another NUTRITIONAL TOOL for you.  I have included the document LeAnne printed for me on the email I sent out today.  If you are not on our email list and want to be make sure and respond to me through this site and I will be glad to add you to our list. 

Also, remember we are on the topic this month of INFLAMMATION.  And Cinnamon can be an effective NUTRITIONAL TOOL to combat Inflammation!!  So find different ways to add it to your arsenal.  And too if you have any advice for all of us as far as the best way to get cinnamon for it to have retained most of its nutritional benefits.  I am interested to know more about this.  Yeh Baby!! 

Keep going strong this year and remember YOUR TRULY CAN MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE, YET!!!!


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