Cleanse. If you have great, and keep it up!!

skikjlj2013Me and LeAnne went skiing last week and thru the weekend.  Here is a pic of us on the mountain.  Man it was so much fun!  I absolutely love skiing!  We have not been in about 7 years and it was just as much fun as I remember.  It was in North Carolina and called App. State Ski Mnt.  We stayed in a small town called Blowing Rock and it was beautiful.  We prayed for great skiing weather with fresh snow, and guess what we got?!  We got perfect skiing conditions and a bunch of snow.  We are so blessed and had a great time together just the 2 of us.  We both agreed that we want to start taking the boys next year and this would be the perfect place to get them started.  Good stuff!

Remember our Topic this month is WHY CLEANSE?.  If you feel like you might need to Cleanse or just need a JUMP START with your nutrition / health, then a Cleanse would be a great idea for you.  It is really easy to do.  There are many options as far as Cleanses go.  Our recommendation is very simple for an “easy start”: 7 Day Clease, Drink only pure water, eat only whole raw, lightly cooked, or blended/juiced Fruits and Vegetables.  ANd it is literally that simple.  it is only for 7 Days, and you can make any adjustments you want to.  The main thing is to get started on some level and do something positive towards taking control of your Nutrition!!

Get started today, and if you have already done a cleanse this year and or this month, then GREAT FOR YOU and keep making positive changes.  Remember, your body was “fearfully and wonderfully” made by God Himself.  Your body was designed by your Daddy to be an extremely EFFECIENT body, and one that functions at a very high level of positive health and performance.  Along with this amazing body He gave you, He also created certain foods that when eaten in the right forms and amounts, healing, energy, and vitality spring forth like a mighty gushing well!!  yeh Baby!


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