It is His Love, not your love that brings it

garfieldsunriseNot sure if I posted this pic already, but if you have seen it before then I am sure you wont mind seeing it again.  This is my view from one of our pond dams down in Garfield early one morning.  Man what a beautiful view.  I love going to Garfield and just riding around the fields and enjoying the scenery!!  Good stuff!

 Know that HE is on your side, your daddy, your heavenly Father.  He literally is for you and HIS Love for you will never fail.  Yes we may experience dissappointments and seeming failures in our lives, but in all that His Love reigns.  Sometimes we may “miss it” but He never misses it!  And literally it is His Love that we can never be seperated from, and it is this Love that always, YES ALWAYS, causes us to Triumph, In Christ Jesus. 

ONe thing I have to remind myself of is that His blessings for me are not contigent on my being perfect and my Love for Him.  His blessings for me are only contigent on His Love for me, and all I have to do is believe it and Recieve it.  And yes we have to be willing to listen and obey to whatever He directs us to do.  In all this we have to remember again that it is only because of and by His Love.  His Love is big enough for us to hold on to.  If we count on our love for Him and or our ability, then we are missing it.  We begin to put pressure on ourselves and this will lead to dissappointment in most cases.  His Love is big enough for you.  He loves you enough that if you are willing, He will make sure you dont miss it.  And along the way if you “fail” or mess up, again it is His unfailing Love that will pick you right back up and get you back on it dogon it!  So the main point here again is to focus on His Love and His Faith that He has given you with no strings attached.  Dont put so much pressure on yourself to be able to walk in His Promised Blessings of health and life prosperity.  Just REST in knowing that you can not be seperated from HIS LOVE!!, and the whole time RENEWING your mind to the Truth that His Blessings will literally overtake you!


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