Making a “healthier” Pizza. Another Healthier Family Dinner

dinnerpizzaCheck out LeAnne’s homemade pizza she made us last night.  Now I am not much of a pizza person to be honest with you.  Too much bread and too greasy for me, speaking of “normal” pizza from restaurants.  I remember when we went to New York city, their pizza was a world of difference and I really enjoyed it.  Maybe some part of it I was just being caught up in the moment, but it really seemed 10,000 times better than any pizza I had ever had.  Anyway, LeAnne likes to make the boys some homemade pizza from time to time and let them help out.  Of course they love the whole process from making it to eating it. 

Last night’s pizza was wonderful and I dare say up there with the “New York” pizza we had, and possibly even better.  Here is basically what she uses:

A whole grain dough she buys from the grocery store or Melanie Skinner at Whole Grains and More.

Ground Beef / we usually use ground deer

Fresh chopped tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc

Graded cheese, mushrooms, pizza sauce and i think some bacon.

She knows I dont like “thick crust” so she made me my own with “thin crust”.  Man it was so good, tasted so fresh (cause it was), and a decently healthy dish.  And of course you can follow the same pattern and make it as fresh and even “organic” as you choose to.  Again, it was DELICIOUS.  And again, I am not a pizza person, but I am a LeAnne’s pizza person!!  Just another great family healthy Dinner option for you.  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!!



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