So Blessed, and then More and More!!

dinner8Check out this delicious and nutritious dish.  LeAnne made this for me and her last night and man it was some more good!!!  Here is a list of the ingredients as best I can remember: whole grain basmati rice, “georgia-caught” shrimp from the local “Farmers Cupboard”, avocado, sliced tomatoes n onions, garlic.  Again this was very delicious and quite nutritious.  So there goes you another good “dinner” option that tastes good and good for you.

You know we are all so Blessed, and it of course is all because of our Daddy’s Love for us.  His Grace and Favor are what we walk in and should Expect everyday.  I am blessed everyday and showered by His love and goodness, and yes sometimes I know I dont recognize it because I mite get my focus off on the wrong thing.   I do put effort everyday though to focus on Him and be Thankful for my blessings, and yes sometimes it may be harder than others especially when adversity rears its ugly head up. 

Again, I am extremely blessed everyday adn I know it.  And on top of that there are some days when the “abundance” is even more abundant.  Today is one of those days.  I recieved a huge blessing today when a friend of mine decided to take care of a need I had that was going to cost me a lot of money.  I didnt ask them to, they just said they believed God told them to so they did!  Man it is such a blessing to live in His Grace and Favor!!  He is so good and sometimes we just have to OPEN our eyes to be able to see His Goodness and keep Expecting His Grace adn Favor, just because we are HIS!!!


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