God made it personal, so should you!

jpeasterstoryMan i tried to wait until closer to Easter but I just couldnt.  I could not wait that long to share this awesome photo with you.  This is a homework sheet Joshua Paul did for school.  The home work was to draw, then write out your favorite thing/s about Easter.  So this is what Joshua Paul did all on his own!  In case you cant tell from the pic he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross, then HIM making the transition to being with Joshua Paul!!  His words read: I like easter because it was Jesus death. (frowning face)  I know.  I know.  But now he’s alive!!

Wow and from a 7 year old!!  Man that makes a daddy grin real big.  Good stuff.

I had the great opportunity to teach today at our church during Prayer and Healing School.  Our church has this every tuesday and thursday morning.  All that is done is “Teaching The Word” and seeing what God says.  The main point that HE led me to make this morning was to focus on HIS LOVE for us, you and me.  And to truly make HIS Love personal to you.  God showed His love in the ultimate way when He gave up His Son Jesus to die for you and me.  He made it very personal then, and it is still very personal today.  No matter what you do in life, in your endeavors to walk out God’s best in your health, your marriage, your finances, your job, etc, always build your efforts and your expectation on HIS LOVE.  HIS LOVE is the true foundation for healing, health, prosperity, strong marriage, etc.  We do have our part to play, but make sure that you realize He has already provided by Love everything you need to live out HIS Best in your health and life.  And again, IT IS ALL BECAUSE OF HIS TRUE LOVE FOR YOU PERSONALLY.  Make it personal, HE DID!!!


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