Building a Treehouse: More Health and LIfe lessons

treehouseThe Treehouse is coming right along.  We made a lot of progress this weekend and most likely will get the roof on this week.  The boys of course are so excited and keep asking “Daddy, when are you going to finish?!” 

Building this treehouse has been a lot like having a health and or life goal and then stepping out to accomplish it.  Here are some of the key similarities:

You have a desire to see something happen or change.

You have to make a decision to that you will “make it happen.”

You have to come up with some sort of plan.  Remember though like the old saying “a good plan (started) today is better than a great plan tomorrow.”  The plan doesnt have to be the “best plan in the world” it just needs to be something that GETS YOU GOING TODAY!

You have to choose to step out on faith and actually GET GOING. 

You have to be willing to make changes / adjustments as you go.  Things usually are not going to work out “perfectly” as planned.  ANd that is just fine.  You choose to make adjustments and keep going no matter what.

Be careful to not let “other stuff” interfere.  Now of course you have to handle the important matters that come up, but just be careful to not get distracted.  Stay focused.  There will be plenty of “stuff” that comes up, you just have to choose to stay on track.

Be careful to not “give in” and just “accept” less than what you wanted / desired from the beginning.  When you are a into your project and it ends up taking more time and effort than first expected, be determined that you will not let that adversity cause you to “accept” something less. 

Along the way make sure to remind yourself of your original “vision” or desire.  This will help keep you motivated to not just finish, but finish with excellence.

#1 Keep HIM first in it all.  Remember that HE is the Reason that you have the power and authority to accomplish any goal in your life.  It is all by Him and thru HIM.  When you realize that HE is your Power Source and that HE Loves you so He definitely wants His Best for you, then you will literally Be Strong in HIS Might.  His Strength will carry you thru to the desired result!!



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