TAKING OWNERSHIP. Volunteer work like Health work!

lunch7Very Easy.  Only 2 food choices.  Very healthy.  Anyone can do it or some variation of it: Turkey roll or some other lean meat choice and turnip greens or some other “green” vegetable choice.  Now that is a simple way to have a Healthy Lunch or any other meal.  There you go!!

We had a “pool area cleaning” at our neighborhood pool this past saturday.  Even though of course we didnt have an overflow of people volunteer to come, we still had a good turn out and we got a lot down.  We “spruced” the place up and made it look nicer.  We all were talking during the time and it was obvious that everyone there was “taking ownership” of the pool area and discussing things we could do to continue to keep the area nice and to help improve it.  We have to do this on a “volunteer” basis because we dont have the funds to pay someone else to do it.  And even though there will be many different individuals and families that have access to the pool, not all will “chip in”, take ownership, and do a part to keep it nice and or to improve it.   And that is fine.   

This whole situation with our neighborhood pool area and watching some people be willing to take “ownership” and others not got me to thinking about health and how this relates to it.  One of the problems with health is people dont take “ownership” over their bodies and their health.  Yes sometimes overcoming “health” and fitness problems or challenges can be hard.  Yes sometimes it might be much harder for others.  Either way though, we all have a choice.  That is why we use our Slogan so much: YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE.  You have to turn that slogan and make it personal for you: MY HEALTH, MY LIFE, MY CHOICE

Now again, I understand that “TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH” is not always easy.  I realize that it requires work and consistent work, but that is no reason to disregard it.  Just like with all those who have and will “Take Ownership” this summer and help to keep our pool area nice, anyone wanting to improve their health will have to just literally ‘TAKE OWNERSHIP” over their body and their health. 

You have to look at it this way:

“It is my health and my life and My choice.  God gave me this body and I have the ability to control it and NOT let it control me.  I choose to no longer let my body control me and my health control me.  I choose to take control starting right now, and just 1 day at a time.  I make better choices, and when I see something that needs to be fixed or changed, I just step up and make that change.  I am not putting a “time frame” on this, this is just my life and part of what I do now.  It does not have to be overwhelming, and it will not be overwhelmingGod has empowered me so I do have the power in me to take control and keep control of my health.”


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