To be “led” correctly in any area of your life, do this!

boyscampfire2Check out the boys at our “Camp Fire” the other nite.  We were still burning up some of the scrap wood from the Treehouse build.  They sure love a camp fire and as you can tell we had to have some “Roasted Marshmallows” too!!  Good ole summer time fun right there.

Someone contacted me about helping with some direction for a family member.  That family member, their child, was looking and asking for direction so of course the parent wanted to do the best they could to give them the “right” advice.  So we decided to see what God had to say about that.  Check out this “guide” that you can use when looking for the ‘right” direction in your life.  And there truly is more scripture to back this up.  I just used a few.  Check it out and make it personal for you and your life:

We believe that His Word is by the Holy Spirit and it is our direction specifically to us.  The Word says that God is no respecter of persons so what He will do for one He will do for you and your family. 

 Make this confession “God knows the plans already that He has for me, for my life and in every area of my life.  He has the Best picked out for me because He is my GOOD Daddy, My Good Father.  His plans for me are good and He has a life full of THE BLESSING in store for me.  He knew and made His Best for me, His plans for me, even before I was born, and those specific plans are written in His Book.”  Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:13-16

“I am led by the Holy Spirit that is alive in me and directs me in every way in my life.  I am led by Him.  I do hear Him and His will is to lead me into God’s Best for my life.  He directs me in all my ways because He loves me and already knows the best  for me.  I do hear Him and I wont miss it.  He wants me to know even more than I want to know so He is not going to let me be led wrong.  He brings all things to my remembrance, He shows me things that I need to know right now, and He shows me things to come.  Thank you Lord that I do know the right things to do and the right ways to go.  Thank you Lord that you have already laid out the plans and I will be in the right place at the right time.  It is done and I do hear you.  IN Jesus mighty Name.  It is done!”Acts 16:6-10, John 16:13, John 15:7

Read the scriptures first to confirm that what you are saying is True.  There are many more scriptures that tell of how we are LED by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit that lives big inside us.  This is the BEST way to be Led in any area of your life, of course!



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