Know Who you Are. Use His Wisdom. WIN!!

johnsonmexicoruinsHere are the Johnsons in Mexico at some “Ruins”.  These were actually only walking distance from our resort and the boys loved the experience.  Joshua Paul has said several times over that going to the ruins was his favorite part of the whole trip.  Good times in Mexico!!

You know what?  There is absolutely nothing in your health and or life that you can not overcome thru Jesus Christ.  You have been empowered to WIN.  You have been made absolutely MORE THAN A CONQUEROR.  You have been given the Spirit of RECONCILIATION!  You have been made THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD!  You have been made a slave to RIGHTEOUSNESS and no longer a slave to sin.  You have been empowered by THE ONE WHO HAS ALL POWER.  You have been and are called A SON / DAUGHTER OF HIM!!  So nothing can stop you except your lack of Knowledge concerning WHO YOU ARE IN HIM, and using HIS WISDOM to apply HIS PRINICIPLES for Health and Life Success.  He designed and Purposed you to Win.  YEH BABY!  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!!


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