Going from “wimpy” actions to “Power” actions!!

jpboxjumpJoshua Paul working out with daddy yesterday doing some BOX JUMPS!!  Cool ACTION photo!  We were doing a workout that called for box jumps, burpees, and jump ropes.  Its really neat because I had told him we were doing 4 rounds of those 3 exericses.  He has been around me and my “training” of course now since he was a little fella.  To my suprise though I didnt realize he knew what I meant by “rounds”.  I told him to just follow me thinking that he didnt grasp the whole “round” thing.  He then said “daddy, now how many rounds did you say we were going to do?”  Pretty neat that he knew exactly what I was talking about even though I didnt think he had a clue what I meant.  Another neat thing about our workout was that he stopped after round 2 and laid down.  He said “I have to stop daddy.  I am tired and I cant do anymore.”  My reply was “Just rest a little then you can go right back to it.  dont let your body control you and your mind control you.  You choose to control your mind and use it to control your body.”  Now of course he has heard me say this all his life.  He told me again that “I just cant do it.”  I simply said “that is fine my buddy.  If you want to wimp out and choose to let your mind and body control you then that is your choice.”  Well it wasnt 10 seconds later and my little man was back up on his feet knocking out some box jumps on round 3!!  He finished round 3 and stopped and I didnt say anything about round 4.  I just made a huge deal out of the fact that he took control and finished another round. 

Now you might think I went overboard or something.  and yes I know he is only 7 years old, but I always have and will continue to push my little boys to understand that they have a choice in life.  And in life, sometimes things get tough and it is not always ‘fun” to do the right things.  When they do choose to do the right things no matter what they “feel” like then the reward is definitely worth it.  And the whole “wimp” thing I want you to know that I made sure he understood later that I was not calling him a wimp by any means.  I told him he had “wimpy” actions by giving up, but he never was and never will be a “wimp.”  And that he chose to be an overcomer by picking back up and finishing.  So trust me I made sure that he understood that daddy does not and will not call him “names” to try to push him, but I will challenge him to do his best.  And this is extremely important because I want and expect to see my boys walk out GOD’S BEST for their health and lives. 

In our lives as “adults”, most of the time we are going to have to “push” and “inspire” ourselves.  Now true inspiration comes from God, but what we have to realize is He has already “inspired” us, and it is up to us to constantly REMIND ourselves of this and STIR IT UP!!  As adults we usually dont have a parent constantly pushing us or a coach constantly overseeing our daily actions and correcting, encouraging, and motivating us every step of the way.  As adults we have God doing this for us.  Actually the correct way to say that is we have God who has aleady DONE that for us!!  We just have to REMIND ourselves and keep it IN FRONT OF US daily!!  As we choose to do this, because of His great Love and Power, His Inspiration is Fresh and Timely all the time!


2 responses to “Going from “wimpy” actions to “Power” actions!!”

    • thanks for that Laura Gayle! I know I have to remind myself of this daily. Thank God that we do have this power to steer our health and lives in the right direction!, and all Thru JESUS CHRIST! kj

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