Another simple and powerful Formula for success today, and tomorrow,….

dinnerveggieplateCheck out my all “Veggie Plate”!  Well it was almost all veggies.  This was our dinner one night last week at my father in law’s house.  And all the veggies came fresh from his garden!!  Check it out: slaw from fresh cabbage, tomatoes, green beans, little bit of mashed taters w/ some squash relish on top, okra litely battered and baked.  Man it was good stuff.  Oh and the ketchup is covering up 2 little chicken fingers. 

Here is a simple layout for improving your health and your life.  This is not necessarily the answer to everything, but it can give you a great start and foundation for making improvements in your everyday life:

Steer your life with the Correct WORDS AND THOUGHTS– your life is and will be dominated by your words and thoughts.

Make 1 or 2 simple changes with your Nutrition, starting today.  it can be cutting back on sodas or other sugary drinks, and or just cutting back on your grains and replacing with  serving of fresh fruit or veggies.

Move for 5 minutes– walk, pushups, squats, bike, play with the kids

Give your stress over- realize “stress” you are under.  If there is something you should do about it then do it.  And beyond that realize that it hurts you to “worry” about it.  Give it over to God, knowing that He can handle it.  Then once you do that “His peace that passes all understanding and that guards your heart and mind will become real to you.”!!

Choose to be THANKFUL– it is very hard to be negative and stressed out when you are so busy being Thankful

Encourage someone else – one of the best remedies for getting rid of stress is simply to take the focus off of YOU and put it on someone else

And then just…. GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!



2 responses to “Another simple and powerful Formula for success today, and tomorrow,….”

  1. Wow that’s so cool. Give the stress your UNDER/OVER
    to God. Somewhere in the Amplified (Psalms I believe)
    it talks about rolling the whole weight of your load
    OVER to Him. Let’s walk it out!

    • thats right and thats so good! also in Philippians 4:6-7 “be anxious for nothing (dont worry, dont fear, dont doubt) but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God which passes all understanding WILL guard your heart and your mind.” That ability to cast our fear, doubt, worry is in us and His peace that passes all understanding and literally guards our heart and mind is in us too. It is as we literally choose to put our cares on HIM and get out of fear that this power that is already in us rises up and overtakes us. yeh baby! kj

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