More Nutrition Tips for YOU!

dinnerlasagnaI know this may not “look” very appealing, but boy was it some good stuff.  This is LeAnne’s “noodle-less” Lasagna.  I posted about this before.  She cooked it again this week and man it is some good stuff. 

Here are the ingredients as much as I can remember:

ground beef (she probably used deer)

thin sliced zucchine, squash (these take the place of the noodles!)

mushrooms, chopped tomatoes

of course Cheese. 

Just another way for  you to enjoy different foods without “grains” and or limiting your grains.  And remember just because you cut way back and or cut out “grains” still does not necessarily mean you are eating healthy.  But yes it does mean that most likely you are making positive strides.

Here are a few bits of reminders for Nutrition:

Do NOT let food be your master.  You control food.  Even if it is not what you consider a “quality” food, you can still gain some control by eating less than you normally would!

Do NOT be fooled into thinking that “eating healthy” means you cant enjoy food.  That is an absolute lie.  Yes it may take some time to figure out the healthier foods that you like as far as taste, but it really is not that hard.  If you “think” it is going to be hard then it will be very hard and you probably wont last!

Remember that Food is made to meet your physical needs not any other like emotional, etc.  When you properly “SEE” food for what it truly is, then you begin to make better choices with quality and quantity!


2 responses to “More Nutrition Tips for YOU!”

    • Yes it is! And i have to make 1 revision: leAnne got this from a vry good friend n cook. Her name is Terry so this is actually “Terry’s Lasagna”

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