Oh My so True, for me and you!! Words Words Words

medbworkncarCheck out me and my little helper!  I was doing some work / clean up on the LexCruzer yesterday and David Ben decided he wanted to help me.  It was good stuff and he was a big helper!

You know, it really does matter WHAT WE SAY concerning our health and lives.  Many times we are just saying what WE ARE SEEING and or what WE ARE FEELING.  And many times what we are Seeing and Feeling is not what we want in our lives. 

It is this simple: If what you are Seeing and Feeling is not what you want in your health and or life, FIRST and FOREMOST you need to change your WORDS and THOUGHTS concerning those areas of health and life.  What you Say is what you will eventually Think and Believe.  What you Think and Believe will eventually determine what you Do.  What you Do on a consistent basis will determine your Results in your Health and LIfe. 

So remember if you want to get Better health and life results, dont just start “changing” what you Do, first CONSISTENTLY Change your WORDS.  And this will impact your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, your habits, then your LIFE!!


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