She has lost 10lbs by doing this!!

dinner4I had a very good and healthy lunch today.  It was not this meal in the pic but kinda sorta similar.  It was leftovers: ground deer w/ homemade salsa on top, grilled chicken breast, green beans w/ homemade squash relish on top.  Man it was delicious!

ON the topic of NUTRITION, let me share this with you.  ONe of our clients has lost 10 lbs over the last several weeks.  A big part / reason for her success is her NUTRITION changes.  She has been following Weight Watchers.  I still remember back in the 80’s and my mom lost a bunch of weight on weight watchers.  She was actually eating “MORE” food than she was used to and losing weight! She was simply eating higher quality foods.  I think Weight Watchers does a very good job of helping people to understand “THE COST” of Foods.  I am not saying Weight Watchers is a “perfect” program because I dont know enough about it.  I do know though that it can be a great tool for anyone.  ANd again mainly just because it helps you to start becoming more AWARE of the choices you are making and the COST of those choices. 

Along with Weight Watchers, we also recommend as a resource for helping you to become more active in making better Food Choices.  We have several clients who have been using this resource for several years and they have truly benefited from it.

The point I want you to take from this is simply to find something that will help you to make better food choices.  Of course first and foremost you simply have to CHOOSE that you are going to do so then actually Get Moving in that Direction.  And along the way, using resources such as Weight Watchers and can be big helpers.  REMEMBER though, these are only resources that can help you.  Your FAITH (CONFIDENT EXPECTATION) in the Truth that thru HIM you can and will succeed will be your biggest determining Factor.  YES YOU CAN AND YES YOU WILL!!



3 responses to “She has lost 10lbs by doing this!!”

  1. I lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers and yes you can actually eat with it and enjoy food. When it comes to working out and recovery I found I had to venture more into protein rich foods for good recovery and it didn’t work well with weight watchers, since a lot of meat is high points in their program. I do love the program and so grateful for kicking 30 of my 44lbs lost so far! Clean eating is key in any life change, keeps your whole body moving and brain working.

    • CONGRATS on the weight loss. and so encouraging that you used weight watchers as part of the process but did not rely on it as your source for determining your continued success. that is great stuff, would you mind if i used this as an example for people to follow? thanks so much kj

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