Got our first EXERCISE DEMO videos loaded up!

dbbeetleOk now this is pretty funny.  Check out David Ben and notice the “hugemongous” Beetle on his shirt.  He had him in his goggles at the pool yesterday.  He was carrying him and some how the Beetle got on DB’s shirt without him knowing it.  He was looking for the beetle for at least 5 minutes when I noticed it on his shirt.  So of course I had to take a pic and a video of the whole scenario before I let DB in on where the actual beetle was.  The video is pretty funny but still hadnt figured out how to load them up yet.  Great stuff!

On the subject of VIDEOS, i just uploaded 6-7 new EXERCISE DEMO VIDEOS ON our god-built YouTube channel.  Big Danny, our website and Social Media Marketing guru will get them loaded up on here,, very soon.  Our goal is to get all the Basics + more Demo Videos up by end of September.  So keep looking for the EXERCISE DEMOS videos to be on the HOME page very soon.  I think they will be on the left side of the home intro page.  In the mean while you can look them up on youtube by searching for our channel and or the key words – god-built, proper form squats, proper form push-ups, proper form lunges, proper form sit-ups, proper form db swings, proper form supercrunch, proper form squat jump. 

We are excited to be able to offer more and more in our partnership with you in helping you to literally TAKE CONTROL AND KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH AND LIFE, as God designed you and I to do, thru JESUS CHRIST!! Yeh Baby!


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