Children: Tell stories, Build their Confidence. Yours too!!

dbfishnetWe went to Garfield this past weekend and had a great time, of course!  As you can see from the pic, David Ben wanted to take a net back to the pond and go fishing!  We didnt catch anything but it was fun just being there at the pond and in the moment.

When I am in Garfield my focus is mostly on working and getting things done on the farm.  And as I have shared with you before, that is actually one of my most favorite things to do!  I am basically going non stop from sun up to sun down as hard as I can in order to get the most done.  And to me that is what I truly enjoy and look forwardto.  I just love being on the farm and knowing that I am getting work done that needs to be done.  When the boys go with me I make sure and take them and the cousins on a tractor ride and do something else fun such as a camp fire, fishing, etc.  And when they go of course the most fun they have is just playing with their cousins.  I still try to get them out on the farm in some way, and I do need to do more of this I know.  Anyway, I took them on a tractor ride friday evening.  Then Sunday morning I took them riding around the fields and to the ponds in Papa’s truck. 

When it was time to leave and head home to Carrollton I remembered I had told them I would take them to see the old airport where the “cropdusters” loaded up and took off from to come spray our crops when I was growing up on the farm.  They are really into “cropdusters” because of the recent planes movie, and they love for me to tell them these stories at bedtime.  So even though it was the total opposite direction we needed to go to get home, I made sure and took them to see the old airport. 

You know, the boys love to hear stories about when “daddy was a little boy”.  It wasnt long ago, I read that kids with more knowledge about their family “history” were more likely to be successful in life.  (This of course is a very general way to sum up what the studies showed but pretty much is the bottom line.)  And then it occured to me one reason why God put all the lineages in the old Testament.  All this to say, telling your kids good stories about their family history and your past builds up their confidence and we all know that is extremely important.  And of course as we as children of God look at our lineage of our Faith Family members, it will build our confidence too: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Jesus!!


One response to “Children: Tell stories, Build their Confidence. Yours too!!”

  1. Great story Kevin! I’m glad our children have a safe haven in Garfield! My girls always loved going, and still do! It will always be my safe haven!

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