He has lost 45lbs. He Runs Triathlons. See his “tools” for Success.

jasontCheck out Jason T., one of our clients here at God-Built, and a great friend.  Jason came to us several years ago looking for a program to help him lose weight and improve his health.  Well as you can tell from the pics, he did just that.  Yes we helped him, but just as we tell anyone else looking for help in taking control of their health and life, they have to decide basically that “they” can and they are going to make it happen.  If they count on us to make it happen for them, they will be dissappointed.  So to Jason we say: CONGRATS brother!!  You made it happen, and are still making it happen everyday!! 

Check out Jason’s testimony and let this be of ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOU!!:

“KJ, Attached is a picture that my lovely wife put together and sent a very nice note about how proud she is of what we have accomplished. I say we because I include God Built and the members of God Built. I have met some very good friends who have helped me along the journey. 4 years ago this past August I joined God Built. I joined to change the way I looked but came to a very important point, it is about health and life. I was a 40 in the waist and 255+ lbs. As of the end of August I weigh 210 but more importantly I am a 34/35 in the waist. I give you an update every year not to put the attention on me but to Thank God, You, The members of God Built, and the Trainers. I am a better husband, father, and believer b/c of the tools I have learned at God Built. Thanks again for all that happens at GB!!”

That is a powerful Testimony and realize that if you want to see results like this you can!!  You have the Power in you already thru Jesus Christ to literally overcome any circumstances and walk in HIS Best Health he designed you for! 


2 responses to “He has lost 45lbs. He Runs Triathlons. See his “tools” for Success.”

  1. Wonderful message of faith and determination. So often, people remain shackled, never seeking the One who holds the key!!!

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