Having Fun comes at a Cost, but oh so worth it! Ditto for Better Health

boyspaddleboatCheck out me and my boys at the lake this past weekend.  We went to Lake Wedowee for a “End of the Summer” Family get away.  It was a lot of fun.  We got a whole bunch done: Caught fish: Had a fish fry; Skiing; Boat Riding; Jet Ski riding; Camp Fire w/ smores; and even more good stuff.  It was much Fun to be had by all. 

You know, Having Fun is many times like doing the right things to improve our health and lives.  It takes a lot of effort and time.  You face challenges and adversity, and you have to weigh the costs up front, knowing that it is going to be a challenge.  BUT, you know that the END RESULT is going to be oh so worth the price that will have to be paid.  And too, if you are not willing to pay the price up front and make the effort, you usually will regret it. 

We did have much fun this weekend, but it did come at a price.  It cost us money, and time, and Effort.  And of course with a 7 year old and a 4 year old, there was drama, arguing, disobedience, and fighting going on.  And the thought would run thru my head a few times this weekend: “Is all this effort worth it if they are going to act like this?!”  And yes of course it was worth it.  As the time goes by those “bad” moments will soon be forgotten and or at least not seem so bad after all.  And the Great memories created and had will be what we remember.  And again, it is all worth it. 

This too is how it is with our health and life.  To Improve and to walk in God’s Best of what He designed and completely intended for us to, we are going to have to go thru some “stuff”.  Sometimes that “stuff” isnt going to be the most Fun.  But it is oh so worth it when THE DESIRED RESULTS come!!  It is already OURS!! WE WIN!  We dont have to “get Blessed”.  We are already Blessed!  It is completely inside me and you, everything we need to Succeed in our health and lives.  Yes if we need to make some changes, the “changing” part is not always very comfortable, but it is absolutely DOABLE and usually not near as bad as it seems at the moment!  SO PRESS ON!  EXPECT TO OVERCOME!  HECK, YOU ALREADY HAVE OVERCOME, BECAUSE OF HIM, JESUS!  HE IS THE GREATEST, AND HE DOES LIVE IN YOU!!


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