Good Plans for you!! So how to walk them out?

dbworkoutLook at my man doing some Pushup Rows!!  I asked him if he wanted to workout with me yesterday and he just jumped right one it.  I also got video footage of his work out!  Check it out on the home page right here at under Exercise Demos.

God has GOOD Plans for you.  Plans to Prosper you and not to harm you!!  Did you know this?  This is really true, and it is really FOR YOU!  God literally and personally KNOWS you.  He made you.  He knows exactly everything that you need to know and do to walk out HIS Best in your life.  And like He promises in HIs Word: He has already planned it out for you!!  Now all you have to do is Believe it and Recieve It as Yours!!

KNowing that God is a Good Father and that Thru Jesus Christ He has already given you Victory is a huge key in seeing improvement in your Health and Life.  See, knowing this gives you CONFIDENCE.  Knowing this Truth of His Goodness and Who you Are IN CHRIST, is the key for you having a Solid Foundation to stand on when you approach health and or life improvement.  And this Truth is all based on HIS LOVE.

Love, Love, Love.  That is what it basically comes down to: LOVE!!  When LOVE, HIS LOVE for you, is what you stand on, you can stand strong no matter what you face and no matter how long it takes.  Remember He Loves you, He has already designed and determined a great life for you, and He has already given you that life thru Jesus.  All you and I have to do is Believe it and Recieve it.  And with this “correct” or “right” Believing will come “right” Living”.  And as we “live” / “do” correctly then we see the great Results in our lives.  So remember you can “do” the right things but if your motivation and foundation are not based on HIS LOVE, then you are just doing a “set of rules” and you dont have anything solid to base you actions on.  When you are “doing the right” things out of obedience to His Love, and to FAITH, then you have a foundation and undergirding that will carry you thru.  Get it?  Got it!  Now GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!


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