One of the best forms of Exercise for promoting HEALTH!

jptoycarHere is Joshua Paul in his little toy car with his “crash helmet” on!  This pic is from several years ago.  I saw this and it made me laugh, smile, and brought JOY to my heart!

ON the topic of Laughing, Smiling, and JOY, I know it is important for you and me to PRACTICE walking in these!!  NOtice that I said that it is important to “Practice” these.  Practice means to Purposely do these things.  Sometimes things will pop up and make us laugh, smile, and bring Joy, but this may not be the case the majority of the time.  The Majority of the time we, you and me, are going to have to deliberately PRACTICE this.  We are going to have to find a way to make ourselves Laugh.  We are going to have to choose to speak and think on things that make us SMILE.  We are going to have to choose to speak and think on things that bring true JOY to our hearts. 

ANd Remember that as we let that JOY well up inside of us, it brings literal HEALING to our mental, emotional, and physical health!!  It is one of the best forms of Exercise that there is for promoting HEALING!! 


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