TESTIMONY!! How powerful HIS LOVE is over stress!!

boyshammockCheck out the boys “chillaxing” in their hammocks.  They are some cool dudes I tell you!

Speaking of “chillaxing”, one of my friends shared a great TESTIMONY with me Saturday.  She has worked out here with us at God-Built at from time to time would have problems with her neck and upper back.  Many times we would have to “adjust” her workout because of the pain.  We were trying to figure out what the “root” of the problem was.  Was it the workout? Was it the way she was sleeping?  Or could it be mostly from “STRESS”?  Well she dealt with this on and off for a long time.  She would go see a doctor, get massages, etc and get some relief but never total relief. 

Then on Saturday she told about how she was dealing with a very stressful situation and right in the middle of the situation she felt a direct and very painful pinch in the same area as before.  It was as if she got a “revelation”.  She realized at that point that the true Root of the problem was not working out, it was not the way she was sleeping, it was the STRESS.  She basically did this simple thing: SHE PUT HER FOCUS ON GOD, HIS BIGNESS, AND HIS LOVE.  And she put the situation in its place so to speak, making a conscious Effort to see God and His Love as Bigger than the problem.  She said the pain totally went away.  There was no long process.  No going to the doctor.  No massage.  She just put her focus on God and His BIG LOVE! 

Now yes going to the doctor is needed sometimes.  Getting a massage is needed and great sometimes.  Backing off of working out and or modifying is needed sometimes.  But as it is many times, STRESS is the Main Culprit!!  And the best way to handle Stress is to make a conscious effort of God’s Love and the fact the thru HIM you dont have to worry and that thru HIM everything is and will be ok.  Stress is Fear, and The Word says clearly that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND.  So CHOOSE GOD AND HIS WAY OF DOING THINGS!!


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