Getting Ready for 2014!! We gonna make it GREAT!

dbabomsnowmanWe had a “sighting” of the Abominable Snowman at the Johnson’s over Christmas break!  He was apparently very hungry and made sure to get the last drop!  Good stuff.

Man we had a great Christmas!  It was different, but still very very good.  LeAnne was sick all day in the bed so we stayed home instead of our usual Garfiel trip.  She didnt have fun Christmas day for sure, but she was up like the energizer bunny the next morning raring to go.  So even though it was different, we still made it all a great Christmas! 

We are almost done with 2013, and this has been a great year.  It has not been great because it was all “flowers and roses”!  There was plenty of adversity and challenges, but in it all we chose to make it great.  And that is what we, ME and YOU, will do for 2014.  We are going to CHOOSE TO MAKE IT A GREAT YEAR!!  And I challenge you to make 2014 literally YOUR BEST YEAR YET!!!! 

So Finish 2013 off on a strong note (we still have a day+ left), and get excited about 2014!  2014 is not going to be great “by chance”.  No, remember if you wait to “see” if it “turns out” that way, then it is just like banking your financial stability on the lottery: You have a “chance” of hitting it big, but it is a very extremely slim chance, or probability.  So dont play the lottery with your health and life.  You CHOOSE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.  ANd remember you have the ability already inside you through Jesus Christ to take control and keep control of your health and life!! Yeh Baby!!


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