Real Life Example of Great Health Improvements!

woutronCheck out Big Ronnie here doing some Squat Press.  Ron is a great personal friend and a true friend to God-Built!  He is one of the crew that pushes me on Saturday mornings in our workouts.

I want to use Ron as an example today.  Ron has made some great improvements in his health over the last year or two.  He was already FIT, and he decided he wanted to be MO FIT!  So here is a list of some of the things I know he has done to improve:

CONSISTENCY with his Workouts!  He has Consistently worked out several days per week for a while now.

INTENSITY.  He has worked out and UPPed his Intensity with his workouts.

TECHNIQUE.  He has taken the time, mentally and physically to Improve his Technique.  ***Big Key for staying injury free!

NUTRITION.  He has put a lot of focus on Consistently taking control and keeping control of the Food he eats.  And this is what he credits much of his improvements to!

There you have it.  Ron is a real world example of how doing a ffew things CONSISTENTLY and CORRECTLY will pay off Big Time!


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