Go against the “norm”. DT has, and it payed off Big Time!

dicktlungeI posted this pic of DT some time back.  He and his wonderful wife, MT, have been with us here at God-Built for quite a while now.  They are somewhere in the age range between 50 – 100, and they are still GETTIN ON IT DOG’ON IT!  We are so thankful for their loyalty to God-Built and there Consistency with Choosing to take control of their health and lives.  Ye Baby!

Over the years, many of our “younger” guys have been amazed at just how “fit” DT is and his Performance.  All this is a true testament to his CONSISTENT COMMITMENT to not allowing his body and his age to determine His Performance in his Health.  He has done what most others his age have not done.  He has gone against “the norm” and not just accepted what most call the “inevitable”.  We all should take note of this and use this example as a motivator in our own health and lives.  We dont have to just accept “the norm”, and we do not have to allow our bodies to control us as we get older.  Yes it takes Effort, but it is oh so much WORTH IT!!


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