Be Aware, and Also BE PREPARED!

lunch15GB DW(daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 8 each

4 rounds for Best Time: 20 DB swings, 20 XCrunch

This is a pic of a “salad” I made the other day for dinner.  I basically just took some ingredients I had in the fridge and put it together.  The “EGGS” were an after thought.  I decided I wanted some, then decided I might as well try the eggs in the salad.  And it was very tasty, as well as NUTRITIOUS!  Here is a list of the ingredients:

Grilled Chicken, Fresh Lettuce leaves from father in law’s Garden, Fried Eggs, little bit of raspberry vinnaigrette dressing.  Good stuff!

This was actually just several ingredients that I had in the fridge.  I knew I wanted something Nutritious and Tasty so this is what I came up with.  I didnt have to go out and buy special ingredients, and I would not have because I didnt have the time.  Because my wife does such a great job of keeping us stocked with some healthy options, it is truly pretty easy to “throw together” a healthy meal.  And that right there, having the “healthier” options on hand, is a key to success in the area of healthier Eating.  Now of course we are not perfect, and you can find some “not so healthy” options at the Johnson’s, but again, LeAnne does a great job of keeping us stocked with HEALTHIER options. 

So for you and me, it is a huge benefit to be “stocked up” with Healthier Options at the house, at work, in our vehicles, etc.  BASICALLY BE PREPARED!  You can Be Aware all you want, but if you are not Prepared, you are setting yourself up for failure!


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