God-Built Apparrell “link” + 40 Day Workbook back online

godbuilt-ApparelGB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 7 each

Max Pushup Leg Tucks n 4 min.

Check out our cool “link” pic that you should see on the left side of the godbuilt.com home page.  We always have requests for tshirts and I have to admit I have failed several times in the past to get tshirts to our clients and friends who have requested.  For that I am sorry.  Stirling Promotions, our awesome GOD-BUILT apparrell provider, has come up with this online store just for God-Built apparrell.  Now all you have to do is click the link on the home page and it will take you directly to the store.  From there you can order any products you wish, and in the colors and sizes you want.  Now how awesome is that?!  And all the shirts are very affordably priced so you can get 2 or 3! 

Make sure and check it out and please forward along to anyone else you know who may want a GB tshirt!!  **Yes ladies I will get him to add some ladies tank tops also!

40 Day Workbook / Health and Life Journal-  Also a few months back we added our 40 Day Workbook so you could download it for FREE, then it got knocked off for some strange reason.  Well now it is back up and also on the left side of the godbuilt.com home page.  This is an awesome resource for you to use to help keep track of any and all of your fitness and health progress.  It also is of course a great GUIDE to steer you along the right path with a whole bunch of inspiration and motivation.  Check it out and get your FREE copy today, and forward the info along to any friends that you think would take advantage of it!


2 responses to “God-Built Apparrell “link” + 40 Day Workbook back online”

  1. KJ,
    I will be retiring this month but will still be allowed to use the Southwire facilities.
    Would you please add my home e-mail address to your contact list if that is not against the rules. I love getting your posts.


    Thanks so much,
    Linda Haag

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