Blessed to live in the USA. Thanks Carlos!!

wout48GB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 8 each

Max rounds n 6 minutes: 15 Situps, 15r, 15l Jumping or Alternating Lunges.

This is Cisco, one of our friends and members here at GB, and his cousin Carlos.  Carlos is serving in the US Army!  I had the pleasure of meeting him this past Saturday.  He joined me and Cisco for a workout, and he kicked our butts!  It was actually pretty funny because in the middle of the “high intensity” workout we were doing, me and Cisco were getting “gassed” (bout out of energy) and Carlos was literally just getting warmed up.  He started going much faster, and it was a partner workout where you had to keep up or you would slow down your partner/s.  So I kept telling myself “here is this man that willingly serves his and my country, puts his life on the line for me and my family, so the least I can do is push harder so I dont let him down and make him slow down”.  And boy did it push me.  It was good stuff, a tuff workout, and an honor to get to know and team up with someone like Carlos.

Lets me and you take time to BE THANKFUL to God that we get to live in this great country, the USA, and also BE THANKFUL for and to those who willingly serve our country.  We are blessed. We are so Blessed!


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