Category: Daily Post

  • Big 4th, much thanks

    Friends and neighbors Me and the family had a huge day on the 4th.  We got up yesterday morning, cleaned up the golf cart, decorated her with some flags, and drove to the parade.  The boys had a blast at the parade snatching up all the candy the could, and bunch of other stuff.  Then…

  • Memorial Day Workout

    For Monday 30, Memorial Day we will have 1 group workout @ 6:15 am.  Everyone (including all companies) is welcome to join in on the holiday fun.  So come on over.  And hey if you are not a God-Built member, but want to come over and join in on the fun, then come on.  You are…

  • L’s 17 Day Diet Update

    Friends and neighbors LeAnne is in the middle of a 17 day Nutrition plan that is very strict, and is set up to help a person lose weight quickly.  She has done very good with it, and I am very proud of her.  One thing that you will find with “quick” weight loss plans is…