Easy Nutrition Tip & “Breathing” tip for better health & Life
GB DW- 11 x squats, pushups, xcrunch. 5/7 rds of: 7 burpees, 14r,14l Xcrunch Nutrition- One of the best things to do to HELP you “eat better” during the day is to Start Off with a high quality, Quick Breakfast: High Quality Nutrition Bar; Protein Shake / Meal Replacement drink; Cup of “whole” organic Yogurt;…
One of the best articles on Goal Setting I have seen in 20 years.
GB DW- 3 min jog/jrope/row. 30/50 Pushup Rows, 30/50 Walkn Lunges Nutrition- Eating a “Healthy” Breakfast can help you stay “on the healthy track” for the entire day. Motivation/Inspiration- Be careful not to put yourself “under the law” when it comes to setting goals. “I Can Not do this” and “I have to do this”…
K.J.’s Heart for you.
GB DW Movement Stretches x 7 4 rds for Best Time- 15 Front Squats, 15 Pushup Leg Tucks Nutrition- “See” Food as a means to “Get where you want to be Health wise”! And then simply GET ON IT DOG’ON IT! Motivation/Inspiration- ONe of the last things I want is for you to misunderstand me…
Good Exercise, Nutrition, Inspiration Info!
GB DW (daily workout) Movement Stretches x 8. 3 rds for best Time: 15/30 Hands Off Pushups, 15/30 Situps Nutrition- Find someone with similar health/fitness goals and encourage each other to “Eat Better”! Having an accountability partner/s can be a huge help. Motivation/Inspiration- Get Excited!! Get excited about your health and your life. And if…
God-Built Vision / Purpose, Revisited.
GB DW (daily workout)- Go as far as you can in 6 minutes: 5,10,15,20,…. x squats, pushups, supercrunch. *do 5 squats, 5 pushups, 5 supercrunces. Then do 10 reps of each, and so on going up in multiples of 5. Nutrition- Eat more FAT foods: Avocados, Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds, Nut Butters, “Whole” Dairy (milk, yogurt,…
4 “Life” Quotes to Motivate & Inspire You!
GB Motivation/Inspiration- Never Give Up! Keep Expecting! Never Back Off! It takes Faith & Works. Nutrition- Be Prepared. Find a way to Be Prepared each day to Eat Better. Exercise- Gb DW: Movement Stretches x 9. For Best Time- 10,9,8,7,….1 of Pushup, Situp, Jump Squats. Your Health, Your Life, Your Choice Godbless u kj
How to walk in Peace & Faith. + How many people have lost weight.
GB Motivation/Inspiration- LOVE is a powerful force. To know that you are loved and to show love through acts of kindness and through gratitude are 2 of the best ways to walk in Peace and Faith! Nutrition- I have seen many people, and heard countless stories of people making great health strides simply by cutting…
SEE what you may not see!?! Simple Nutrition tip to overcome stronghold.
GB Motivation/INspiration- Remember that a big determining Factor in your success in health and life is being able to “SEE” what you may not be currently “seeing”! Nutrition- If you think a certain food or category of food has a HOLD on you, then make a decision to literally “Fast” from it for 7+ days.…
Everyone faces “adversity”. What will you do?!
GB Motivation/Inspiration- Everyone faces challenges and adversity in life. Choose to be one who does not let adversity be an “excuse” for not accomplishing your health and life goals. Nutrition- Remember that Grains in their “true” natural state are not bad for most people when consumed in proper quantities. The Grains that most of us…
Get Motivated! Get Inspired! & See what to “not focus” on with your Diet.
GB Motivation/Inspiration – His Love is in you. His ability to “see” is in you. His confidence / Faith is in you. Get Motivated. Get Inspired because inside of you is all of HIM! Nutrition- Dont focus so much on taking the “bad” stuff out of your diet. Put more focus on Putting the “good”stuff…